
How Can I Monitor An Ip Camera Locally?

You lot are here: Home > Products > Network Monitor > How to Monitor Surveillance Cameras, IP Cameras, or Digital Video Recorders over Network

In this commodity, we volition tell you how to monitor the status of surveillance cameras, IP cameras (indoor, outdoor, wired, and wifi), or digital video recorders (DVR or NVR) over the network using the ten-Strike Network Monitor software (or its Pro version with web UI and distributed abilities). Ofttimes, security cameras and DVR/NVR are located in remote corporate networks, backside NAT routers, and it is incommunicable to access them directly via the Internet. In that case, you need to use a distributed network monitoring software to monitor the whole CCTV organisation.

Why Do Nosotros Demand to Monitor CCTV?

Video surveillance systems are widely used in warehouses, retail stores, hospitals, factories, and many other locations. Of class, the status of devices in CCTV systems should be constantly monitored. Otherwise, if something bad happens and you urgently need to view video footage from a surveillance camera, you lot may find out that it had stopped working a week ago! But how tin you monitor such devices, fix an automated notification in case a photographic camera or DVR fails, and ready malfunctions in good time?

We take the answer: Yous tin can use 10-Strike Network Monitor Pro. It is a distributed network monitoring arrangement created past x-Strike Software.

The distributed monitoring system means that you can monitor any network equipment in remote offices from your common monitoring center. In this case, the "distributed monitoring" allows you to have a number of monitoring servers in remote offices that will send the results of monitoring to the central database.

10-Strike Network Monitor Pro tin be a corking help to a visitor that installs and maintains video surveillance systems, or to a company that has multiple remote offices and a single IT section.

How to Configure DVR/NVR and IP Photographic camera Monitoring over Network?

Big diversity of CCTV systems and devices bachelor on the market leads to the fact that there is no one universal method for monitoring them. Moreover, the operability of a video surveillance organization implies a lot of criteria that must simultaneously exist met. This includes the camera availability, continuous video stream recording, no writing errors (HDD health, free disk space), web UI accessibility, operation of backup services, etc. Checking each health factor of the entire organization requires the development of divide algorithms for each criteria.

The IP camera or digital video recorder manufacturer is not master (this can be Hikvision, HiWatch, Bosch, Axis, Hanwha Techwin, Ivideon, Dahua, IDIS, etc.). The device monitoring is carried out according to generally accepted network protocols ICMP, TCP, SNMP, FTP, and POP3 (electronic mail).

In this commodity, we tried to bring together all the known methods of monitoring CCTV systems and made a pace-by-footstep didactics on how to configure these checks in "10-Strike Network Monitor Pro". So far, we've got x methods. Let's depict the configuration in details below.

  1. Checking the availability of IP cameras and DVR/NVR over the network using ICMP ping
  2. Monitoring parameters using SNMP
  3. Failure and event notification using SNMP traps
  4. Checking the spider web interface operation on a DVR/NVR or IP camera
  5. DVR/NVR monitoring via email
  6. The Issue Log (or log file) monitoring
  7. Checking the file count changing in a directory
  8. Monitoring the number of records (files) on an FTP server
  9. Assay of the bandwidth on the network interface of a photographic camera or DVR/NVR
  10. RTSP video stream bitrate monitoring (The Newest and All-time Method!)

We take created a short video with a review of all 10 ways of monitoring CCTV systems, IP cameras, and DVR. Yous can spotter the video or read the text article further.

1. Checking the availability of IP cameras and DVR/NVR over the network using ICMP ping

Allow's consider the most common case, which is also the simplest 1. Your video surveillance system consists of multiple IP cameras and a unmarried server continued via routers and switches into a network. Usually, it too has a server/DVR/NVR (or a regular PC for recording and watching videos). A simple ICMP ping of the server (or DVR/NVR) will tell united states of america whether these devices piece of work. The straight ping monitoring configuration is rather elementary and does not require a lot of explanations.

The program besides allows y'all to "ping" devices using a special component called the Amanuensis which tin can be installed to whatever PC that is connected to the same network equally the cameras.

remote agent ping check

The distributed monitoring scheme implies using Agents and multiple separate monitoring servers installed in remote networks for the check execution. Usually, yous can't run a "ping" check from the outer network for devices located in the local network because NAT in the router does not pass the ping packets to local addresses of the LAN. Using an Agent or a monitoring server installed in the LAN solves this problem.

You can configure the TCP port forwarding for the Amanuensis in the router. Or in the case of installing an additional monitoring server inside the network (information technology does not need to forward ports), we volition get the distributed monitoring mode. The server will use a common database with settings and store the monitoring results of executed checks there too.

remote monitoring server

An agent or monitoring server polls cameras and a DVR/NVR within the network and sends the outcome to a common database. A graphical vanquish (or a browser via a web interface) is continued to this database and displays the condition of the equipment in the grade of a list or a network map.

And then, we will run across something like this:

CCTV monitoring program window

Each light-green line means a working device. If you see a red line, there is cause for business organisation and verification. Y'all can set an alarm for each bank check: as presently as some camera stops responding, you will immediately know about it from SMS or electronic mail. In club for SMS to reach even when the Internet is down, the program can send them via a connected telephone or USB modem.

Setting upwardly such a monitoring method in the program is non difficult - when you add the IP address of the camera or DVR to the monitoring list, the program automatically creates a ping check for it. In addition, you tin simply scan a range of IP addresses and the program will discover all the cameras and put them under monitoring. Alternatively, you can monitor the availability of a photographic camera using a TCP connection to the HTTP or Telnet ports instead of ping, depending on the camera model.

two. Monitoring parameters using SNMP

However, simply pinging the cameras and the DVR/NVR is non plenty to understand whether all the functions of the device piece of work. The camera can respond to ping, merely not record the video. Or there can be problems with the hd itself, where the video is saved. Many DVR manufacturers (for example, Hikvision, RVi, Falcon Eye, Hanwha Techwin, Tantos, Dahua, Panasonic in the models CJ-HDR104/CJ-HDR108) added the SNMP protocol back up to their devices many years ago. Information technology allows you to receive much more information about the status of the device remotely over the network. When choosing a digital video recorder, we recommend not least being guided by the criterion for the availability of SNMP support - later this greatly simplifies the monitoring of the video surveillance system and expands its capabilities.

Each manufacturer of DVRs determines a set up of parameters that will be available to a user via SNMP. All of them are listed in a special text .MIB file, which is ordinarily bachelor for downloading from the manufacturer's website along with the documentation and firmware. As an instance, let's see how the SNMP parameter monitoring can be configured for one of the Hikvision DVRs. The plan allows you to view MIB files in a user-friendly form using a special MIB browser window.

MIB browser - IP camera/DVR/NVR SNMP OID parameters

Using object names, you lot tin sympathize what parameters of your device are available for monitoring. For case, here are some of them:

  • hikOnline - the online/offline state.
  • hikTrapHostIp1 - a sign that the device is able to ship SNMP trap (see the topic "3").
  • hikMemoryUsage - retention usage in percent.
  • hikDiskFreeSpace - free space on a deejay in MegaBytes.

The set of parameters for the aforementioned device may differ in different firmware versions. You just accept to observe out what y'all want to monitor and how this parameter is called in the device'due south MIB file. Refer to the device documentation or ask a question almost this on an appropriate forum. Later on that, merely add the "SNMP" check in the programme to the DVR/NVR by selecting the choice you need from the listing (before that, you need to import the device's MIB file to the plan using the MIB browser).


Set the conditions nether which the plan will notify you past e-mail or SMS that something went wrong. This may be some threshold parameter value (for example, memory usage) or a sign that the DVR is no longer writing video (the parameter value hikOnline is 0, for case).

3. Failure and event notification using SNMP traps

Every bit a dominion, if your device supports SNMP, then it is able to send alerts via the SNMP trap protocol. In the previous case, the program initiated and sent an SNMP request to the device and received a response from it. But in case of SNMP traps, the device itself sends a message to the plan. We accept only to receive and decrypt information technology. This can be done by the 10-Strike Network Monitor Pro programme. It constantly listens to the SNMP trap port, to which letters from network devices come up and notifies the administrator near their advent (after filtering out unnecessary letters and finding ones that satisfy the alerting conditions).

All that remains for y'all to do is to enable the sending of SNMP trap in the settings of the DVR, configure the events and the alarm settings, and enable the trap receiving in the program.

SNMP trap settings

Configure the notification settings and edit its text and then that you can understand what exactly happened with the DVR.

For example, the RVI-R04LA DVR (in one of its firmware versions) sends the post-obit messages via SNMP trap:

  • 1.3.half videoMotionAlarm - motion detected
  • 1.3.6.ane.iv.1.1004849.ii.2.3 videoLossAlarm - signal lost
  • diskFullAlarm - disk full
  • diskErrorAlarm - error occurred
  • diskSMARTAlarm - S.Thou.A.R.T. mistake for hard disk (bad parameter value)

Delight note that diverse firmware versions of various hardware manufacturers tin can ship various set of events.

Usually, an SNMP trap bulletin looks similar this:

SNMP trap message

You tin make the message more clear changing the ane.iii.half-dozen…. values to a more articulate text. The program allows that.

4. Checking the spider web interface operation on a DVR/NVR or IP photographic camera

Unremarkably, the most of DVRs or IP cameras provide access to their web interface via HTTP / HTTPS. This is necessary for setting up and viewing recordings from cameras remotely over the local network or the Internet. You can cheque whether the web interface is bachelor, so you lot tin can evaluate whether the DVR/NVR is working or not. Of course, this will not give you total confidence that the device is working properly and is writing a video, but nevertheless such a check may as well be helpful.

DVR/NVR's web interface

The program supports checking the availability of devices via HTTP / HTTPS. Create the corresponding check for a DVR/NVR in the monitoring list and specify the URL at which you lot open up the web interface in the browser.

HTTPS check settings

In society to be sure that the web interface displays the desired folio, enable verification of its contents. For example, yous can verify that the page contains a word or a text string that should ever be present there. The program will periodically remember the indicated web page from the DVR and if it fails to exercise then (or the page content is wrong), it will notify you.

In that location are cases that the basic authorization is required when accessing a sure URL of the device's web interface. For example, information technology can return a frame from the specified camera similar the Line CCTV system does (you lot will get a static epitome from photographic camera #1 for URL http://x.x.x.x:9786/cameras/1/epitome). This can also be checked in the program. Unfortunately, our program cannot analyze a picture from the recorded video by its content. But we can check the server response code. Information technology should exist 200. If some other code is received, the program will consider that an fault has occurred and the spider web folio at the requested URL does non work. Apply the option "Check HTTP condition code" for such monitoring and gear up the code to 200 in the field.

With this check, you can monitor fifty-fifty the simplest DVR/NVR. Yous can pay for a static IP address for the DVR at your ISP and directly monitor its status using the HTTP / HTTPS check through the Internet.

5. DVR/NVR monitoring via email

Another common way to check DVRs is through regular email. Many models are able to ship email messages through the Internet in case of any malfunction, motion detection, or, conversely, reports on normal performance. See if your DVR/NVR can do this. For example, here is the device settings window for the Optimus AHDR-2008N_H.265 device:

CCTV or DVR email alerts

Observe the E-mail item amongst network services supported and double-click on information technology. This will open up a window with the SMTP settings for sending e-mail. Configure and salvage your electronic mail outgoing server (gmail, etc.), mailbox login, and password. After that, the DVR starts sending emails with the subject area Warning Bulletin, which describes what exactly happened (for instance, if a movement sensor in a specified area has worked out).

ten-Strike Network Monitor Pro tin automatically check the mailbox with a specified time interval and notify you near important incoming messages in several ways. Information technology can send alerts through instant messengers or SMS, or add records to a log file. In improver, the program can just reply to certain messages coming together the specified atmospheric condition. For instance, such a condition can be that the message text or subject field contains certain keywords like "error" or "alarm".

email POP3 check

The program alerting mechanism tin can be configured non merely to detect a given bulletin, simply likewise to the absence of letters from the DVR during some menstruation. A device tin be configured so that it sends emails with a specified interval all the time, while it is functioning normally. In this instance, the plan receives them and, if necessary, deletes them and so that the mailbox does not overflow. Equally soon as it stops receiving new emails, the plan immediately notifies the ambassador nigh this failure. This is a signal to intervene and see if everything is in order with the video surveillance system.

six. The Upshot Log (or log file) monitoring

Some video surveillance systems built on the basis of Windows personal computers every bit a video recorder (for example, the Line or Devline systems) keep logs of their work in which they write error messages and other emergency situations.

For example, if we talk nigh the same "Line" CCTV system, in the issue of a betoken loss from the cameras, the following entries volition announced in the log:

CCTV log file

With the help of the ten-Strike Network Monitor Pro's check "File existence and content", you can automatically search for records with errors and quickly be notified well-nigh them.

log file monitoring

To do this, install the Agent service on the computer where the video surveillance system software is installed, and specify the path to its log file in the cheque. If a text string is institute in the log that may bespeak a write fault, and the program volition notify the administrator.

If the system creates a new log file every twenty-four hours, you can specify its irresolute proper name using the current date substitution keys. The program provides ample opportunities for this.

vii. Checking the file count changing in a directory

There are DVRs that support integration with storage systems (NAS), such as QNAP. In fact, these are servers running Linux or FreeBSD, where DVRs back up recordings from their hard drives. If yous tin't frequently become straight to the disks of the DVR, yous can do this via the NAS. If you configure Samba in that location, and so you tin access the recording directories through the usual network path, such as \\\video\2020-05-25\192.168.0.fifteen-CAM01\... Y'all can even mount a network drive to reduce path to view X:\\

10-Strike Network Monitor Pro can monitor the modify in the number of files in a given folder. Just create the check "Folder beingness and number of files in it" and specify a directory for monitoring:

file and folder monitoring

Configure the logic of the bank check: "passed if the number of files in the folder has changed." And in the next step, set the cheque interval and then that it is longer than the time after which new files are recorded on the NAS. The plan will check if the number of files in the folder has changed and will notify if zilch has inverse from the previous check. This volition mean that the recording has stopped or the fill-in has stopped working.

Yous can also get the directory size and the number of files in it using another "SSH" check, which allows y'all to monitor UNIX-like systems direct past running panel commands remotely on the server side (Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, Android) and receiving a secure response from them via the secure SSH channel.

8. Monitoring the number of records (files) on an FTP server

This monitoring method of assessing the performance of a video surveillance organization is similar to the previous ane. You can organize using an FTP server, where many DVR/NVR models tin automatically upload their recordings. Using the "FTP" check, the program volition be able to connect to the specified FTP server and receive the number of files in the desired FTP directory. If the number of files in the previous scan does not alter, then the program will consider the bank check result as non passed and generate an alert.

nine. Analysis of the bandwidth on the network interface of a camera or DVR/NVR

Another sign of the operability of IP cameras and DVRs is the presence of traffic on their network interfaces. Later on all, if the camera sends something out to the DVR, then some traffic volition definitely exist on its network. If the IP photographic camera supports SNMP, you lot can monitor its traffic and bandwidth directly. Otherwise, you can connect via SNMP to the DVR and watch traffic from cameras on its ports.

The programme has a special cheque for the network bandwidth monitoring. To configure the cheque, you lot demand to connect via the cheque settings window to the DVR or camera via SNMP, get a list of its network interfaces, and select ane through which the data is existence transferred. After that, you need to fix the threshold value of the minimum traffic speed (or the bandwidth), beneath which it should not fall during the normal functioning of the video surveillance system. Commonly this is calculated empirically by setting some test value and looking at the graphic nautical chart in the program at what speed data is being transferred under normal atmospheric condition.

IP camera bandwidth monitoring

If the data transfer speed from the camera drops below the specified limit, the programme will send a message past electronic mail or SMS using a GSM modem or phone continued to the monitoring server.

If the camera or NVR/DVR video recorder does not support SNMP, we tin use the RTSP protocol for monitoring the traffic speed (bitrate) of the videostream. Read about this method further.

10. RTSP video stream bitrate monitoring (The Newest and Best Method!)

The virtually guaranteed way to empathize if a CCTV/IP camera is working (and the paradigm quality is good) is to check if it generates a stable video stream at a certain bitrate. This can be easily done if the camera or DVR/NVR supports RTSP protocol. Our program ten-Strike Network Monitor tin can receive the video stream traffic from an IP camera or DVR via RTSP and analyze its current bitrate. If a camera'south video stream bitrate is too depression, this may mean that the prototype quality is bad, the camera is clogged with snow, turned to a wrong direction, or does non produce the film of the required quality for some other reason.

While configuring the RTSP monitoring check in the program, you lot can see the current (normal) bitrate of your photographic camera. Gear up the lowest bitrate threshold to 50-lxx% of the normal value. If imitation alarms occur, reduce the threshold further. For ameliorate monitoring results, check the normal video bitrate in various conditions (like rain, snowfall, day, nighttime, etc.) and gear up the threshold below the camera's normal traffic bandwidth. After that, you will exist able to receive notifications if the camera is clogged with snow or is non working properly.

RTSP monitoring diagram and alert

Learn more than about this method in the dedicated topic of the plan manual RTSP video stream bitrate monitoring.

We have created a brusque video on how to configure the RTSP monitoring.


This article describes only one of 10-Strike Network Monitor Pro's many application areas. The Network Monitor allows you lot to monitor any network equipment, managed switches, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units, network services, communication links, and more. You can use it to create and configure many dissimilar checks to monitor the availability of hosts, services, processes, and databases, besides as CPU load, retentivity usage, device temperature, and other parameters. The Network Monitor supports common network protocols and SNMP, so you can monitor whatever Windows or Unix servers, and likewise whatsoever networking devices, including door opening sensors.

monitoring program installation

This solution is equally suitable for companies that install and maintain video surveillance systems in various businesses (and for the customers themselves), and for enterprises with an all-encompassing branch structure and a unified information and technical back up department.

The selection of a monitoring method depends on the structure of the local network and the hardware used in it. Regardless of the method, you need to follow the general instructions to install and configure Network Monitor Pro on your cardinal monitoring server that will receive information from remote monitoring servers. The setup procedure is mostly automated, and then the user does not need to have any special skills. The installer will automatically configure the cardinal monitoring core and the database.

ten-Strike engineers are always fix to help you, accept feedback, and quickly fix bugs and bug. You can always check the price list for the license and maintenance costs.

For testing the performance problems in your specific surround, nosotros recommend you to download and try our fully functional complimentary 30-twenty-four hour period trial version.

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