
How Many Megapixels Is The Galaxy S8 Camera

Samsung doesn't seem to be making too much of a spectacle of the Milky way S8 and Galaxy S8+'s main camera, and that's likely because it hasn't changed the hardware. The flagship duo come equipped with the aforementioned camera hardware equally their predecessors: a 12-megapixel "Dual Pixel" sensor that was often heralded as the best before the Google Pixel.

But regardless of the reprise, there are some new camera features to check out in Samsung's new smartphones. Let's take a await at the new additions, including new photo processing, a better front-facing camera, Snapchat-similar features, and a slightly tweaked photographic camera interface that makes it easier to multitask between camera modes.

Rear photographic camera


The Galaxy S8 and S8+ feature a 12-megapixel "Dual Pixel" rear-facing camera with a f/ lens, which is similar to the Galaxy S7, though it'southward non the same prototype sensor. Information technology'due south equipped with OIS (optical epitome stabilization) and PDAF (phase-detect machine focus), as well as auto HDR and a manual way that enables you lot to shoot in RAW.

There are no new photographic camera modes.

There are no new camera modes to the Galaxy S8, merely yous'll see all the usual suspects in the interface, including a Panorama fashion, Selective focus way (alike to the iPhone seven's Portrait style), and Hyperlapse mode. The aforementioned alive colored filters made popular in older Samsung phones are included here, too, and there's also a new feature that brings Snapchat-like augmented reality filters to the viewfinder. You can use them as you're recording video or while snapping photos. I'thou not sure if the filters volition work with multiple people in the shot (similar some of Snapchat'due south filters exercise), but they did work on Mr. Mobile.

The photographic camera app interface too remains relatively unchanged. Information technology'south simple to use; a quick swipe to the left starts up the video recording mode, and a swipe to the right brings you lot to the different camera modes. At that place is a slight tweak this time around in that you tin can slide the shutter cardinal upwards and down to digitally zoom — manner quicker than pinching on the viewfinder to zoom.

We manifestly oasis't used the camera in any sort of extended period where we can evaluate its quality, merely this will, of course, be the biggest question: How much has Samsung improved its software to make a stride up over last year'due south quality? Though the Galaxy S7's camera was really good, in this industry if you're standing still you're falling behind — new photographic camera firmware and improved processing from the new Isp (epitome betoken processor) should improve things, simply nosotros don't know how much however.

Front camera

You tin utilize the dizzy Snapchat-like features here, too.

The Galaxy S8 and S8+'due south forepart-facing camera is a complete revamp: 8 megapixels with auto focus and an f/i.7 lens. Yous'll get decent low light photos just equally you would with the rear-facing camera, and the Galaxy S8 will have a simpler time attempting to keep your face up in focus — most phones today, fifty-fifty in the high end, nevertheless don't have auto focus on the front end-facer. You can use the lightheaded Snapchat-like features hither, too, and there is a dazzler fashion that buffs out your imperfections and makes yous look like the freshly airbrushed model you wish you could be. The filter too works on your friends in group selfies.

There's then much more to the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ than but its cameras. Be sure to read our full rundown of the devices and breakdowns of the various features from Samsung'south latest flagship family!

Florence Ion is an editor and columnist at Android Primal. She writes nigh Android-powered devices of all types and explores their usefulness in her everyday life. You can follow her on Twitter or lookout man her Tuesday nights on All About Android.


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