
How To Say July In Spanish

Teach the Spanish Months of the Twelvemonth: July in Spanish

Julio or July in Spanish is the seventh month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. July has 31 days and marks the beginning of the 2nd one-half of the twelvemonth.

The original proper noun of this month was "Quintilis," simply was renamed to "Julius" to honour Julius Caesar, who was born in this calendar month. Later "Julius" evolved to July in English and Julio in Spanish.

Julio is the 2d calendar month of summer in the northern hemisphere and is the hottest calendar month of the yr. July is known for it's hot, humid days—known as "domestic dog days"—which are the most uncomfortable of summer. Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, July is the second calendar month of winter and one of the coldest of the year.

July is a month with important celebrations and commemorations, and beingness one of the hottest of the year, there are a lot of activities to do to enjoy the most of those hot, long summertime days.

Celebrations During July in Spanish

Almost every one of the 31 days of July has a celebration all effectually the globe, simply because this article is to help you teach and acquire about July in Spanish, this section will heart effectually those celebrations observed in the American Continent and Spain. Let's begin!

Día de la Independencia

El Día de la Independencia or Independence Twenty-four hours, is a yearly commemoration that commemorates the separation of a land from some other, and usually celebrates freedom and patriotism.

In several countries, el Día de la Independencia is a national holiday and people accept the day to enjoy activities with their family and friends. Others prefer to attend marches and parades every bit a way to celebrate independence.

Some countries as well commemorate their autonomy in July, instead of their independence.

Hither is a listing of those countries who take national holidays related to their independence or autonomy during July:

  • Canada — July i
  • United States — July 4
  • Venezuela — July 5
  • Argentina — July nine
  • Colombia — July 20
  • Puerto Rico — July 25
  • Peru — July 28
July in Spanish

Here is some vocabulary to talk virtually independence and autonomy days during July in Spanish:

Castilian English
Las Fiestas Patrias National Holidays
La Independencia Independence
La Autonomía Autonomy
El desfile Parade
La marcha March
Marchar To march
La banda marcial Marching band
El patriota Patriot
La democracia Republic
La libertad Freedom
Los fuegos artificiales Fireworks
El día de campo Picnic
La barbacoa Barbeque
Independiente Contained
Autónomo Democratic


The Sanfermines is a Castilian celebration that takes identify in honour of Saint Fermin from Amiens, and is a yearly commemoration that takes identify in the Spanish metropolis of Pamplona.

The Feast of Saint Fermin, another proper name for the Sanfermines, begins on the midday of July six with some fireworks in Pamplona´s town hall, and ends on July fourteen at midnight while the attendants sing a song as a farewell.

During the Sanfermines, people participate in unlike cultural and recreational activities. I of them was the Riau-Riau, a traditional, but unofficial act that consisted of a lot of people dancing a vals named La Alegría de San Fermín (Saint Fermin Happiness) in the streets most Pamplona's town hall. Sadly, it stopped existence part of the celebration since 1991.

Another of the most important activities during the Sanfermines is known every bit el encierro (the solitude), which are races that takes place every day of the duration of the Sanfermines and consists on people running a distance of 849 meters (0.52 miles) in front end of 6 bulls and ends in the Plaza de Toros (bullring). They brainstorm at 8 am of every day of the Sanfermines and don't take more than 3 minutes to complete.

During the commemoration of Sanfermines in Pamplona, the city goes from 280,000 inhabitants to 1,000,000 because of tourists and locals that get dorsum to savour the commemoration with their friends and family.

You lot can't talk about July in Spanish without mentioning the Sanfermines, so here is a short list of word'southward that tin aid you lot speak most this topic.

Delight keep in mind that the some of this words are unique to Pamplona and this commemoration:

Castilian English language
El chupinazo Firework
El pañuelico A small cherry scarf typical of the attire of those that participate in the sanfermines.
La procesión Procesion/Float
San Fermín Saint Fermin
El toro Bull
Correr To run
El encierro Confinement
Participar To participate
Plaza de toros Bullring
Los corredores Runners
"Pobre de mi" Poor me (A traditional song sing by those to attend the Sanfermines during the concluding day of the commemoration)

Día Internacional de la Amistad

Known every bit Friendship Day in English language, this day was proposed in 1958 in Paraguay as the "International Friendship Day" and to this day is historic on July xx in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, and Uruguay. In Bolivia, it is celebrated on July 23 and in Paraguay, on July 30.

In Latin America, it is a popular celebration and is the perfect reason for a friendly gathering with old and new friends. It became popular thanks to Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, an Argentinian dentist who had the idea to commemorate this day the same solar day Neil Armstrong got to the moon, as a unifying gesture between nations. He sent more than than a yard letters to different people in different countries around the world while Apollo xi was even so in space and received more than 700 responses and that kickstarted the celebration.

When y'all talk nearly July in Spanish, yous accept to talk about this celebration, especially with South Americans! So here is a small vocabulary about this interesting celebration:

Spanish English language
La amistad Friendship
Amigo/a Friend
Amigable Friendly
Los nuevos amigos New friends
Los viejos amigos Onetime friends
Los saludos Greetings
Saludar To greet
Los brazaletes de la amistad Friendship bracelets
El mejor amigo/ La mejor amiga Best friends
El apoyo Support
Apoyar To support
La confianza Trust
Confiar To trust
El consejo Advice
Aconsejar To advice
Preocuparse To intendance for
El tiempo de calidad Quality time
Llevarse bien Get forth
Pasar tiempo juntos Spend time together
Mejor amigo/a para siempre Best Friend Forever

Activities To Do During July in Spanish

July is a month total of celebrations and commemorations, and that is the perfect excuse to do some interesting and entertaining activities to gloat them!

1. Volei-toalla

July is a really hot month, giving you the perfect excuse to play h2o games with your friends and family! Voli-toalla is the combination of 2 words: Voleibol and Toalla (Volleyball and towel) and is an entertaining grouping activeness to refresh for a piddling bit!

This instructions apply to play with 20 people:

¿Qué necesitas? — What do we need?

  • x toallas grandes
    10 large towels
  • Muchos globos con agua
    A lot of h2o balloons

Instrucciones — Instructions

  1. Puedes jugar este juego con una net de verdad, o solamente dividiendo el espacio donde se llevará a cabo el juego.
    Y'all tin play this game with an actual volleyball net or just dividing the space where the game will take place.
  2. Divide a las 20 personas en dos equipos de x y cada equipo debe dividirse en 5 parejas.
    Divide the twenty people in two teams of x, and each squad has to dissever in couples.
  3. Cada pareja debe tomar una toalla y estirarla agarrándola de los extremos. Esto servirá como para cachar los globos con agua.
    Each couple has to accept a towel, and stretch it by grabbing it from it'due south extremes. This will exist used to take hold of the water balloons.
  4. ¡Es hora de jugar! Un equipo debe lanzar al otro united nations globo con agua usando la toalla como united nations propulsor y el otro equipo debe cachar el globo con la toalla, luego este equipo regresa el globo al otro. El equipo que explote menos globos gana.
    Time to play! Ane team has to throw one water balloon to the other using the towel every bit a propeller and the other squad has to grab the balloon with the towel. Then this squad returns the balloon to the other and then on. The team that explodes the to the lowest degree balloons wins.

And the best part is that if there are a lot of leftover water balloons… yous tin can always accept a h2o balloon battle! And then refreshing!

Here is a video as an example to play Volei-toalla.

ii. Larn friendship quotes

As you know at present, a lot of people in Due south America likes to celebrate friendship during July, so if you want to tell your Spanish speaker friends almost how much you like them, or celebrate a 2nd friendship day in the twelvemonth, hither are some Spanish phrases for you lot to learn:

i. Un amigo es alguien que nos conoce pero nos ama de todas formas . – Fr. Jerome Cummings

A friend is someone that knows us and yet loves united states.- Fr. Jerome Cummings

2. Quien encuentra un amigo fiel, encuentra un tesoro . – Proverbio Judío

     Who finds a loyal friend, finds a treasure. – Jewish Saying

3. Una amistad noble es una obra maestra a dúo. – Paul Bourget

    A noble friendship is a duo masterpiece. – Paul Bourget

four. La amistad es un amor que no se comunica por los sentidos . – Ramón de Campoamor

    Friendship is a dear that is non communicated through the senses.- Ramon de Campoamor

v. Los amigos son necesarios para el gozo y para el dolor. – Samuel Paterson

     Friends are necessary for joy and pain. – Samuel Paterson

Get The About Of Your Summer!

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